下村陽子氏がGDCのアワード(The Game Developers Choice Awards)にて生涯功労賞(Lifetime Achievement Award)を受賞
下村陽子氏がGDCのアワード(The Game Developers Choice Awards)にて生涯功労賞(Lifetime Achievement Award)を受賞
2024年2月11日最終更新日時 : 2024年2月11日kookai
The Game Developers Choice Awards at #GDC2024 has named Yoko Shimomura (@midiplex), composer for games like Kingdom Hearts, Super Mario RPG, and Final Fantasy XV, as recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award—for her work on many iconic game soundtracks. https://t.co/9YeUA2ijvRpic.twitter.com/PcNhptSWHk